Saturday, August 4, 2018

Whatever the reason, don't end your life with suicide and Everything You Need to Anticipate suicide

Suicide is a dangerous phenomenon that must be tackled together. Prohibition of Suicide Prohibition Suicide Sentence The Qur'anic Verses of Suicide Prohibition of Suicide Prohibition Paragraphs on the Prohibition of Suicide

Including the great sin mentioned by the Ulama is suicide. Because this act shows an impatient attitude towards the test, despair and precedent of the will of syar'iyyah Allâh Azza wa Jalla, when Allah loves his servants, so He forbids suicide.

Whoever kills himself with something, he will be tortured with something in hell Hell. Cursed a believer like killing him. From Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu anhu, from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, He said, 

"Whoever drops himself from a mountain, then kills himself, then he is in hell Jahannam drops himself from a mountain, he lived a long time and lived forever forever in in the hell of hell forever. And whoever drinks the poison then kills himself, his poison will be in his hand, he will drink it in hell Jahannam he lived a long time and lived forever forever in the hell of Jahannam forever. [HR. Al-Bukhâri, no. 5778; Muslim, no. 109; lafazh for Al-Bukhâri]

Whatever the reason, don't end your life with suicide

Love is everything. love is breath and air, love is laughter and tears and love is you who is sometimes stupid because of it.this time I want to try to look at the part where love can make some people become stupid until they are willing to end their own lives, by committing suicide. Do you agree if I say that those who commit suicide because of that love are stupid people who are stupid? "

Many people condemn the act of suicide, even not infrequently people spit on that stupid act.

Love is everything. 
Do you agree if I say that those who commit suicide because of that love are stupid people? who are stupid? "

many people condemn the act of suicide, even not infrequently people spit on that stupid act.
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